AMR V8 Oulton Park LFM Sprints: Aston can take on the Hondas and Porsches!

Chris Severt

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Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3

Oulton ParkOulton Park

AMR V8 Oulton Park LFM Sprints: Aston can take on the Hondas and Porsches!
  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C

Oulton Park

Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT3


Esports Ready Setup presented by your's truely, Chris Severt :)

Looks like the Aston is pretty decent here after all.  I'm seeing too many Hondas and Porsches at the front, how about we bring the Aston a little bit back up to speed?

Quali Set + Data

  • low fuel, 25/45min races should be easily manageable with just adding fuel (~45L)
  • Setup is quite softer than most setups I run to maximize mechanical grip.
    • I feel like I got dampers in a place I like them.  Good bump management and damper histogram looks mostly good
    • Front dampers could have higher peaks, but that's just me being picky
    • Starting to see people max dampers as some kind of exploit or easy cheat, but I'm not a believer in that yet
  • Fast times here are completely about driving around the bumps.
    • (Using Track map from Wikipedia)
    • T1 is an exercise in patience: If you don't hit the inside curb there's a bump on the left that will bounce you wide on exit.
    • T3 is a challenge to not brake on the crest of the mound and lock up.  I used about 80% brake and trailed to hold the inside as much as possible.
    • T5 hairpin, banking helps stop the car so you can go deeper on brakes than you think,  first gear gets better drive out than 2nd with help of TC
    • T7,8,9 (1st chicane) Car eats the first curb, but a little throttle lifts the front to help it a bit more.  Don't lose the rear on the right, it will take ages to put the power back down.
    • T10, touch curb, don't eat it.  You're on a diet now that you at so much of T7's curb
    • T11, Go on a curb eating binge and put those left wheels in the dirt.  Your diet is now ruined.
    • T12 Be gentle with throttle and weight transfer to keep rear planted on exit and max power delivery.
    • T15 (Druids) Deceptive double apex: touch both curbs, but keep car very close to the inside between the curbs.  Reminds me of how Parabolica at Monza is faster by hugging inside
    • T16 Use elevation to get fronts to dig in and hug apex.  Need to hug it pretty tight to straiten car over the crest and minimize wheel spin.  Don't take too much exit curb

Additional Remarks:

  • I've added a Replay of this lap (final lap on the replay).
  • Might do a more race-oriented lap later that doesn't take any curbs and preserves tires for longer races

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Erstellt am

Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3

Oulton ParkOulton Park

  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Qualifying1:32.290

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