v1.8.21 Porsche World Record

Nils Naujoks

5.0 von 5 (4)

PorschePorsche 991 II GT3 R


v1.8.21 Porsche World Record
  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C

Target was to provide a competitive v1.8.21 time after the car got slightly changed. The laptime is almost the same, if not entirely. This set surely is "meta" and self rotating, but it remains drivable still. 

I hope this setup has achieved that and the inputs indicate it did.

The setup is on the loser side of things. Especially for a race scenario you might want to tame it more, even though the provided race set has added understeer for the start of the race to balance out later oversteer. 

TC1 on 3 and TC2 off for Qualifying certainly works best for me but you can safely add some TC2 for convenience. TC1 on 4 for the Race and TC2 up to 3 as well might keep the rears alive longer.

More oversteer (general/mid turn):

  • Increase rear ride height
  • increase front splitter
  • stiffer rear spring
  • more negative rear toe
  • more front bump stop range
  • less wing (big impact, rather not)

More oversteer (brake/entry):

  • reducing preload will give more rotation off throttle, but it immediately gets tricky into the fast corners. 140-150Nm seems minimum. For Q 300nm is a life saver
  • increase front bump stop range
  • reduce front bump stop stiffness
  • decrease front bump damping / rear rebound damping

More oversteer (exit):

  • decrease rear bump stop range
  • increase rear bump stop stiffness
  • increase rear bump damping / front rebound damping
  • While reducing TC2 closer to 0 will help rotation, I'm not convinced it helps lap time. 

Typically with the esports setups the Porsche almost requires you to use the throttle mid turn to keep the rear in check by locking the differential, while trailing the brake will almost lead to a spin. This is not quite the case with this setup. It is sensitive on the brake and will respond to inputs, but it also allows you to use the brake as a great modifier for rotation if you are careful enough. Letting go of the brake gently is key to not losing the rear. Throttle definitely needs to be applied for most of the fast corners in order to keep the car stable, especially turn 3 and turn 8.

  • The car is fine off throttle though and it allows you to use the brake to control the amount of pitch and rotation you want into the corners, especially the faster ones.
  • The data should show gentle trailing to control the car's direction and rotation.
  • Throttle will hardly lead to understeer, often the higher gear is the better choice for less pronounced behavioral changes. Turn 3 4th instead of 3rd for example.
  • Most apexes will be late, i.e. after the middle of the corner
  • In some turns (e.g. 10/11) it can be beneficial to not just slam the throttle, but progress to max over, say, half a second to not lock the differential immediately and keep rotation initially and TC interference at bay

Choose Single Player Practice Session with the Medium Rain preset at 1PM on optimum track for same conditions.

Ideally you will host a custom race weekend with as many AI's as the race will have you are preparing for, this will give you similar dry line conditions, yet the track is several seconds faster.


In this package you will find

Erstellt am

PorschePorsche 991 II GT3 R


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Qualifying1:42.240

PorschePorsche 991 II GT3 R


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Rennen1:43.545

PorschePorsche 991 II GT3 R


  • 21 °C
  • 25 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Qualifying1:55.145

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vor etwa 7 Stunden

bin schneller als mit dem aktuellen Go Setup :-) nach 10 Runden 43,1 mit 30 Liter bei 28 Grad

Fazit meinerseits: SUPER Setup !!!!!

Paket jetzt für kaufen.
5,50 €

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