rFactor 2 Integration - NEW DLL!

You might have already noticed that your recorder has downloaded an update to version 1.10.

The tool is now capable of recording rfactor 2 telemetry and display everything the same way you are used to from our Assetto Corsa Competizione integration. 


  • In the installation directory of Popometer (AppData/local/popometer/) you will find a NEW (July 2024) popometer_rf2_plugin.dll.
  • Please copy this into your rFactor 2 installation folder: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\Bin64\Plugins. 
  • Once in the game navigate to the settings and make sure the plugin is set to "on" (if it wasn't you will need to restart the game after activating it).

    Now you are set and the laps should pop up in your profile. Make sure you are in the rfactor 2 tab on the main page of our website to see the rf2 laps. Please note that the shared memory has a bit of delay, so the tool will appear to not register the game/track/car until a few seconds onto the track. 

    We will create the track maps as data packs are created for them. You will however still be able to see your line and compare it to yourself and others regardless of whether or not the track map has been created. Due to the huge variety in content of rf2 there will likely be inconsistencies in the naming of tracks and cars. Please let us know, so we can merge those data base entries to keep everything clean. Feel free to ping us if you come across any errors so we can address them asap.

    Enjoy the tool and I hope it comes at great value to fans of the game.

    We are already recording many more channels than are currently shown. In the background we are working on advanced telemetry channels to be displayed for subscribers soon.

    - Popometer.io

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