Esport Qualifying + Race pack

Teemu Karppinen

5.0 von 5 (2)

LamborghiniLamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2


Esport Qualifying + Race pack
  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C

Lamborghini Huracan GT3 Evo II - Kyalami


  • Qualifying setup
  • 45 min stint race setup (works also for shorter races)
  • Data packs

Setup notes:

  • This setup participated in LFM Pro split 1, claiming the fastest Lamborghini qualifying time
  • Race setup, including the pressures, is aimed to even the tyre wear

Data pack notes:

  • Qualifying time can be driven with a slightly higher TC, it comes down mostly to preference. Driving without TC yields more rotation on some corners
  • Race data pack is meant to display smooth & fast inputs, not absolute max pace. Time was driven with around 80 litres on a slightly hotter than usual server


Setup philosophy

Pushing the sliders to the max (sometimes literally) in pursuit of the absolute fastest laptimes. These are not beginner friendly setups, but they are indeed real setups with no sandbagging.

You can contact me via Discord (Temetias#5870) if you have issues with the setup or want tips to tailor it aggro or safer.

In this package you will find

Erstellt am

LamborghiniLamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Qualifying1:39.740

LamborghiniLamborghini Huracan GT3 EVO 2


  • 25 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Rennen1:40.875

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vor 10 Monate

Having tried this setup, I found that the added rotation and pointiness of the setup meant that I could really focus on nailing my lines and pushing the car with no understeer whatsoever. While it may be a bit on edge for a beginner, it certainly brings strong laptimes. With other Lambo sets before this one, I'd be hitting high 42s but with the added confidence this setup brought, I managed to get into the mid 1:41s which is a solid laptime for my standards.

Paket jetzt für kaufen.
5,50 €

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