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Nils Naujoks

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Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3


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  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C

TC1 on 2 and TC2 on 0 feels best for me as the car allows you to actually work with the rear on throttle - very rare in this game and simply nice to drive.

Adjustments (you dont actually need any imo)

  • reduce front bump stop range if braking into corners is an issue, or stiffen front spring.
  • move BB forward if too loose into the corners, more front ARB could also help here (yet it will make slow corners too understeery imo)
  • The car most likely still takes more rake if you can handle it (but for Q you rather want weight on the rear)
  • race setup might be able to run more negative rear toe still. I find it balanced currently, but I'm sure it would be faster maxing this setting out. Just gets quite edgy to drive and more error prone


  • Basically all turns need careful trailing, but you can still push the higher speed corners - the car tolerates a lot of yaw
  • actually dont slam the throttle here out of the very slow corners. Often you want to go to 80-90% power, wait until the car settles, then floor it
  • the turbo takes some time to spin up, but when it does you have a lot of power available. This makes the throttle pedal non linear and gives quite some delay with actual engine output. You need to predict this and plan it into the driving. I.e. quite early throttle for the power to be there on exit
  • bumps are tough on the car, raise ride height if unbearable (2mm rear for every 1mm front, if rear tops out, reduce wing)
  • aim for late apex in hairpins, try to trail deep, immediate throttle [management], no coasting
  • the inside kerbs in the last corner helps rotate if you hit them just right
  • shifting at 7000-7100 rpm, don't max out revs
  • it can happen that if your minimum speed becomes too slow the chosen gear stops working for too low rpm and you need to go with a lower gera (e.g. last corner might need 2nd gear for you, same as turn 7 (left hairpin) potentially

Just reduce fuel load to 45/49L. Balance should become even more neutral. Adjust rear ride height in +-1mm to your liking (higher for oversteer, lower for more neutral behavior).

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Theres a 3rd setup with the slowest time in the pack that is dialed in specifically stable for rookies. The lap is also not full push to make it easier to follow along and still have room with the inputs and corner speeds.

In this package you will find

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Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • -20kg
  • Replay-Datei
  • Qualifying1:32.180

Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • -20kg
  • Replay-Datei
  • Rennen1:33.095

Aston MartinAston Martin V8 Vantage GT3


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • -20kg
  • Replay-Datei
  • Rennen1:33.215

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