Esport Qualifying + Short Stint pack

Teemu Karppinen

5.0 von 5 (1)

BentleyBentley Continental GT3 2018


Esport Qualifying + Short Stint pack
  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C

Bentley Continental - Kyalami


  • Qualifying setup
  • 25 min stint race setup (works also for 45 min with pit stop, tyre change recommended)
  • Data packs

Setup notes:

  • These exact setups participated in LFM Pro split 1, finishing P3
  • This setup achieved a time of 1.39.760 in the LFM bop (-30kg) in a LFM PRO quali setting
    • Quali lap:
    • Race replay:
  • Due to how well the Bentley handles weight, the q and race set drive very similar and are basically the same JSON

Data pack notes:

  • At the esports level, Bentley is a TC off car
    • The old electronics of the Bentley sap too much speed while not achieving too much in terms of stability
    • Bentley rear end is really nice and grippy even without TC
    • TC off lets you extend the track on the grass without much penalty, your track becomes wider
    • With TC off you are in control of the car, you can actually feel the rear end and not lose time randomly
    • For race stints, you might want to drive the first few laps with TC on to bring the tyres up to pressure. This will help with wear
    • If you use TC, stay within low values 1-3
  • Race data pack is meant to display smooth & fast inputs, not absolute max pace
  • Quali time has more in it, last corner was a bit too deep on the braking. Check race data pack for a more representative last corner.


Setup philosophy

Pushing the sliders to the max (sometimes literally) in pursuit of the absolute fastest laptimes. These are not beginner friendly setups, but they are indeed real setups with no sandbagging.

You can contact me via Discord (Temetias#5870) if you have issues with the setup or want tips to tailor it aggro or safer.



  • 22/10/2023 - Updated data pack with improved quali laptime
  • 26/01/2024 - Verified the setup for 1.9.6. Still works, slightly more tolerant over the esses kerbs. Pace similar still as not much changed
  • 19/09/2024 - Complete rebuild of the setups and new data packs
  • 09/10/2024 - Fixed an issue where the quali setup was mistakenly from the wrong track 


In this package you will find

Erstellt am

BentleyBentley Continental GT3 2018


  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C
  • Qualifying1:39.835

BentleyBentley Continental GT3 2018


  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C
  • Rennen1:40.302

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Teemu Karppinen
vor etwa 12 Stunden

INFO: There was an error where I had uploaded an Imola setup as the quali setup when doing the latest update for the pack!

It was fixed 9th of october, so if you downloaded the pack before that, you should redownload it.

Sorry for the mistake, and enjoy the Imola document as an extra I guess :D

vor 6 Monate

If you get used to this setup, it's good. Need skill in braking to go fast.

vor mehr als ein Jahr

A car I never thought I'd try in Kyalami but a welcome surprise for sure! The setup felt really good, the traction and grip not being much of an issue. I tried this set with no real expectation of pace but ended up with a 41.9 in the end which is a fantastic step forward for me (even if I lack talent behind the wheel).

Paket jetzt für kaufen.
5,50 €

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