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PorschePorsche 992 GT3 Cup

Oulton ParkOulton Park

  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C

Porsche 992 GT3 Cup Data & Setup Pack for the Oulton Park.

The target is a reliable rear end that will not surprise you and let you know before it lets go. A general issue of the Porsche is too cold fronts and too hot rears. Both will be much better with this setup. The setup is operating without any negative toe and thus gives much more consistent driving behavior than typical eSpOrTs Setups.

Oulton Park
The most bouncy track in the game with the stiffest car. Well. We gotta live with it to some degree. It's as soft as it will go, so its up to the driver to learn the bumps. You will have to upshift a little early sometimes as the car will hit the RPM limiter over the bumps in the lower gear, which ultimately costs more than a short shift. Some kerbs you can attack, some will be horrible for the car. The less you steer the more likely the car will get away with the cuts and kerbs.  

There is rotation to gain by adding more front camber or more rake. 

More oversteer (general/mid turn/exit):

  • more front camber
  • more rake
  • less wing (not a good idea though)
  • more rear ARB

More oversteer (brake/entry):

  • reduce brake bias (not advised for the stint, as it wears the rears more under braking)

More understeer

  • higher front ride height / lower rear ride height (this will hurt pouhon)
  • even less front camber
  • lower rear ride height
  • more front ARB
  • higher brake bias


The setup should start off rather stable and slowly get more oversteery throughout the stint. The fuel is set for the full hour including formation lap. Keep your cool, you need to keep the rear tires alive :)

In this package you will find

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PorschePorsche 992 GT3 Cup

Oulton ParkOulton Park

  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Qualifying1:34.360

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