Road Bavaria

Nils Naujoks

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BMW M Hybrid V8

Road AmericaRoad America

Road Bavaria
  • 26.0 °C
  • 51.0 °C

Setup and Data for the BMW M Hybrid V8 for Road America in Automobilista 2.

BMW M Hybrid V8

As all the hypercars, this one relies on downforce to produce lap time. In the slow turns it will hardly outpace a GT3, but once there is sufficient air flower over and under the chassis, this is producing a ton of grip! Hypercars per rulebook are not very rake sensitive, both in terms of drag and downforce. So if you are a good driver, plenty of rake should work without requiring max wing. The key to laptime is in the brake. Hard initially and then staying on top of the grip limit as it constantly becomes less with the downforce fading quickly. The hypercars are quite heavy, so transitions in fast turns can be challenging, be a little gentle here and allow the car to grip up.

Road America

Harsh braking, slow turns, late apexes and traction requirements paired with high speed turns and long straights. The main issue during testing was the tire temperatures going out the window in the fast corners and the car becoming unstable with low downforce settings. Thus I went for higher downforce and sacrificing a bit of top speed. 7th gear might be a bit short for slipstream now, but it keeps the top speed up when you are alone. Typically for high downforce cars, you are slowing down past the apex in a few turns, but that doesn't mean it won't work the other way around.


I used medium slicks for this lap.
Soft tires for cold temps (or night)
Medim slicks for up to 25°C-ish 
Hard slicks for 30°C+ - it depends a bit on the track layout, when tires start to get yellow, perhaps a harder compound is better. And equally when they stay below 60°C, go for a softer compound.

Initially make sure to be aggressive on the brakes as almost all corners are approached with very high speed and high downforce, the tires will take it, reducing the braking distance significantly. 
1st gear is not needed, all slow turns can be exited in 2nd gear. The car will rotate in high speed corners when you commit to the throttle. This will be worth plenty of time in Q, but in the Race watch out that your tire temps don't grow too far apart between front and rear.  


  • more wing for more neutral balance, especially in the fast turns
  • adjusting the differential is very impactful, less degrees mean more locking. More locking during coast makes the car more stable, but more locking on power can make the rear snappy
  • softening the rear in comparison to the front (or stiffening the front compared to rear) will also both make the car more stable. ARB for small changes, spring for bigger changes.
  • to prevent further bottoming try increasing the bump stop or the fast damping, but it didnt feel like it affected top speed so far


For the race add a click of wing to cope with the balance shift due to fuel.


I used 4.08 L on the Q lap. Calculating with 4.3 L for race per lap should work fine

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Erstellt am
  • Qualifying1:47.956

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