BMW M Hybrid V8 Mugello IMSA

Niklas Beu

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BMW M Hybrid V8

Mugello GpMugello Gp

BMW M Hybrid V8 Mugello IMSA
  • 30.0 °C
  • 43.0 °C

- Track feels like low grip so dont overpush the corners

- Try to use minimal steering input to save the fronts

- Be patient on throttle to save the rears

- I used 1-5 ARB in the fast middle sector and 1-1 ARB everywhere else

- This track has the new 3d curbs, try to find your line where you are the most comfortable. These new curbs seems to have exaggerated textures, this will affect grip and car       behaviour. The car can get snappy if you try to brake or rotate the car on them

- The BMW can take almost every sausage curb like no tomorrow, also feels somewhat ok on the ruble-striped curbs


Feedback is much appreciated and for help write me on Discord: niklasbeu


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BMW M Hybrid V8

Mugello GpMugello Gp

  • 30.0 °C
  • 43.0 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Optimal Delta Datei
  • Best Delta Datei
  • Qualifying1:32.776

BMW M Hybrid V8

Mugello GpMugello Gp

  • 30.0 °C
  • 43.0 °C
  • Replay-Datei
  • Optimal Delta Datei
  • Best Delta Datei
  • Rennen1:33.526

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