This free pack acompanies the License Guide on YouTube.
On the LFM License server you need to do at least 7 consecutive and valid laps with an average below 1:32.50 - this is almost 6 seconds slower than what the GT3s in ACC can do. You will achieve that with the guide on YT when you are
- not trying too hard
- not pushing and
- just following basic driving principles of using the track width, a bit of trail braking, respecting car limits and staying smooth
- using the provided save setup
General driving hints
- 100% braking only in long braking zones and only until you start turning the steering wheel
- in short braking zones where turning starts immediately DO NOT hit 100% braking
- when reviewing and comparing inputs make sure you check the amount, the speed and the sequence of inputs. How much, how quickly and in which order inputs are made has huge impact on how the car will respond
- the track allows to use kerbs both on entry and exit in several corners
- focus on getting good exit speed instead of doing faster corners
Best of luck!