Porsche 992 GT3R | Silverstone (Q/R60L) - Oddly Difficult

Philippa Boquida

2.0 out of 5 (1)

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


Porsche 992 GT3R | Silverstone (Q/R60L) - Oddly Difficult
  • 23 °C
  • 29 °C

May 5th 2023 - Patch 1.9.2

This combo took some time to figure out and even then still feels a bit... unnatural to drive if I have to describe it. The car exhibits alot of behaviors of the old 991.2 in qualifying trim here when it doesn't typically tend to have those original characteristics on other tracks, but without quite the same consistency or LMP downforce memes the old car seemed to have. It's not such an easy combo to drive and probably needs a good bit of practice to get comfortable if you want to try it, although quite satisfying getting a good lap together. I have yet to race the car so I can't comment on how it compares against other competitors in a real race situation unfortunately.


- Some old 991.2 "use throttle to not die" ability required
- In qualifying trim if you are having alot of trouble with the entry instability, increase the front wheel rate and put the brake bias forward (51% or so is my reccomendation)
- Reduce the front bumpstop range as a last resort if you still have entry instability you can not cope with. Rear ride height is crucial for middle sector pace, but if that is not your concern then feel free to also reduce this
- Take care with your braking point at stowe and brooklands, it's very easy to lose the car in these corners braking zones
- Switch the TC to 3/3 (my suggestion) or 4/0 (if you like your meta settings) if you don't take kindly to how the TC is set and don't deal with the on throttle slip it allows
- The car can feel understeery on power in some instances, but try to look toward your braking and mid corner rotation before looking at the setup

As always, feel free to DM me on discord if you have any questions!

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PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23 °C
  • 29 °C
  • Qualifying1:57.187

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23 °C
  • 29 °C
  • Race1:57.760

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over 1 year ago

It is as advertised, pitch sensitive indeed. I tried the suggested adjustments but just had to give it up. I'm sure it's good for some, but this one kicked my butt more than any other setup I've ever used in popometer. It was painful

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over 1 year ago

its all explained i wouldnt rate it if i am not in the level to rate it i think its unfair to underrate a setup because i dont have the skill to handle it because its alll said in info. its for pros from the lap time it shows

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