McLaren 720S Evo - Monza


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McLarenMcLaren 720s GT3 Evo


McLaren 720S Evo - Monza
  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C

Lap Times:

  • Quali: 1.45.970
  • Race 120l: 1.46.985 (around 65min of fuel and brake pad 2)


The setup was made for a dry endurance race and uses a bit of negative toe for Q.

I liked the potential to get the car around on throttle, so I didn't remove this trait.

I did reduce it's tendency to enter 4-wheel-slides. You can still enter those if you really throw the car around with your steering inputs.

The car absolutely eats the curbs but you can bottom out if you're off the line.

Trail braking and smooth throttle input go a long way here.


TC anything from 1/0 to 4/12 can work
ABS higher if more intervention is needed



  • You can increase brake bias to your liking
  • If too oversteery on the brakes, increase brake bias / ABS
  • When struggling with 4-wheel-slides decrease caster or increase front bumpstop rate
  • increase rear toe for more stability
  • If the rear steps out too much reduce rear anti-roll-bar
  • Race setup is a bit safer so if you struggle with the Q set try adjustments above or go more towards the race setup


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McLarenMcLaren 720s GT3 Evo


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Replay File
  • Qualifying1:45.970

McLarenMcLaren 720s GT3 Evo


  • 23 °C
  • 27 °C
  • Replay File
  • Race1:46.985

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