Logitech McLaren G Challenge 2022 - Round 2

Kodi Cosford

3.0 out of 5 (2)

McLarenMcLaren 650S GT3


Logitech McLaren G Challenge 2022 - Round 2
  • 20 °C
  • 25 °C

Updated for split 3! The v2 q setup is the new one! Built it in the practice server so very hot temps, hence a slow lap time, but with some practice 43s will be achievable. It can be used for race just add fuel, might need to open brake ducts and decrease camber if you have high tire wear :)

Absolute hate this car in all honesty. But despite that, this is going to be used for the McLaren esports series. So I did the best I could with this setup.


The qualify setup is a lot harder over curbs and harder to drive. The race setup is a lot safer over curbs etc. So the q and r setups are completely different. The q setup can be used as the race setup if you prefer it over the r setup and visa versa, just adjust the fuel load obviously. I think the r setup will be faster than the q setup if you use it on low fuel. 


With some practice 43s are achievable, but I wanted this pack out in time for round 2! If it's too oversteery, stiffen the front and soften the rear, and visa versa if it is understeery. If unstable over curbs, soften the suspension and dampers and increase ride height.

I hope this helps you get through round 2! If not remember there are 3 seasons this year! So you can try again with the same setups! 

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McLarenMcLaren 650S GT3


  • 20 °C
  • 25 °C
  • Qualifying1:44.542

McLarenMcLaren 650S GT3


  • 30 °C
  • 38 °C
  • Qualifying1:44.712

McLarenMcLaren 650S GT3


  • 19 °C
  • 24 °C
  • Replay File
  • Race1:44.797

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