Predictable 992 Nordschleife Pack

Nils Naujoks

5.0 out of 5 (13)

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


Predictable 992 Nordschleife Pack
  • 23.0 °C
  • 28.0 °C

Note: Negative toe might still work in the qualifying environment. But all my setups will for now utilize positive or only slightly negative toe as I expect it to be the more sustainable solution.

Overall the new Porsche needs less steering as before and it's easy to turn too much. Maybe increasing steer ratio further can help to be precise.
Be careful on turn in. The tires likely need half a turn or more to build temperature on the surface and they are more snappy on entry when still cold. You can get them warm more equally by reducing camber and going for more positive toe. This will cost lap time in general, but might gain you time if the car is unrealiable on corner entries for you. While the car remains the crazy rotation off throttle, the center of that rotation seems far more in the center of the car now, than in the back, which makes it rotate more like a mid engine car. The rear doesn't feel quite as exposed on corner entry, and you get actually turn into the direction you want to go, instead of controlling a permanent slide. In Q the weight balance is still very far to the rear, hard to do anything about it. I tamed it as much as I could and again no negative toe needed here for (most of the) lap time. 
Especially in the race it feels very balanced and despite the wear difference and front graining, it remained stable as far as I got into the stint. 

There is a lot front bump stop range because the car sits so high by default, this will cause pitch sensitivity. Reduce front bump stop range by 5 or even 10 clicks to get much more stability under braking


The track of all tracks. It's a tricky one for the Porsche. It tends to over-rotate into the long sweeping bends and understeer on power with a too neutral setup, due to the high ride height enforcement on this track. As always I tried to make the car predictable in all situations and not show excessive over or understeer. Understeer a driver can manage just by reducing speed, but sudden oversteer is a killer on this track. This setup should not have sudden snaps or similar. There might still be tricky places you can work around by modulating the brake or just going neutral in the steering. Beware of bumps in the Hatzenbach chicanes in Sector 1 and try to go almost straight in the middle of these when changing direction across the crest right between the two turns - this should give the car enough time to settle before commiting to the next turn. More rear bumpstop range generally helps here, but it comes at the cost of high speed understeer. Feel free to do further adjustments like those suggested below to your liking. But also make sure to get a few laps in before. Some things on this track can hardly be addressed with setup.


  • general stability: increase both springs!
  • If too oversteery: Stiffer front spring, stiffer front roll bar, less rake, more rear wing. One click at a time.
  • The brake bias is tricky. If it's too far forward the front will suddenly regain grip and the rear snaps. If too far back the rears might lock. Higher ABS here if you cannot handle it, but likely at a time loss. Clean trailing will pay off.
  • higher preload can give more turn in stability, but will come with more nervous exits
  • lowering front and adding rear camber might further stabilize the car
  • lowering the caster also gives more predictability
  • Some drivers might like a car with less rake for better drivability. You can still increase wing (1 click for 1-2mm of extra rear ride height), but I wanted to give you a tiny bit of top speed.
  • TC2 for comfort, virtually no lap time impact

Tire pressures
Aim for 26.4 or more. Lower pressures might feel better in a slow corner, but its harder to hit the right slip. Go for 26.7-26.9 for solid support from the tire without surprises. Here its aimed to have the fronts at higher pressures than the rear - they need the support while the rear needs to come around on throttle and allow a bit more flex in the tire. 

Lap times
Q fuel: Hotlap, 8:08
R: 8:11.0 60L for 4 laps (32 minutes) - had a bit of a moment in the Karussell
R_alt: 8:10.5 same setup apart from front bump stop range
Q_alt: just lower bump stop range for more stability under braking and into turns

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PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23.0 °C
  • 28.0 °C
  • Replay File
  • Qualifying8:08.522

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23.0 °C
  • 28.0 °C
  • Qualifying8:08.940

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C
  • Race8:10.557

PorschePorsche 992 GT3 R


  • 23.0 °C
  • 27.0 °C
  • Replay File
  • Race8:11.030

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3 months ago

Hi! I am wondering what adjustments are needed for the endurance race (60min stints)? As I can see this setups are aimed to be driven for less then 40 mins

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Nils Naujoks
3 months ago

with more fuel the car will be more stable, so if you lack "rotation" increase rake by 1 click for example. it will get more oversteery towards the end again, so don't overdo it!

Any of the other suggested settings also have imapct of course, but rake is the most notable.

1 Reply
3 months ago

Much thanks Nils!

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11 months ago

Echoing Murpheus! Buy the pack people, it's the best value.

3 Reply
Daniel Czirjak
12 months ago

How much did the Suspension physics change? I was about to buy the whole Porsche pack for every track, will there be an update on that, or it's still usable in it's current form?

1 Reply
12 months ago

Love that you included in the pack like RBR, cannot wait to hit the track with this one!

1 Reply
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