24S2 Week 4 - FalkenTSCC - Circuit Zandvoort

Facundo Rago

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Circuit Zandvoort - Grand PrixCircuit Zandvoort - Grand Prix

24S2 Week 4 - FalkenTSCC - Circuit Zandvoort
  • 18 °C
  • 26 °C

Datapack for BMW M4 GT4 - FalkenTSCC - Fixed Week 4 @ Circuit Zandvoort


A great track to drive, here qualyfing will be key because is super difficult to overtake. The track feels like a rollercoaster with tons of elevations changes and fast corners. A lot of blind corners will make your life tough so you will need a lot of practice here. The car feels great and consistent through the lap, you might feel a bit of understeer on the exit of medium speed corners so be patient on throttle.


On T1 try to have a nice braking and a good exit.

T3 is probably the most difficult corner of the track, you have to sacrifice the exit of T2 and go a bit wide on entry, and then make the corner around the top line to secure a good exit for the next section.

T9 and T10 are pretty similar, slow and blind corners which are tricky to spot with no reference. Try to find a good braking point you are confortable with and avoid going wide.

The arena section (T11-T12) is tricky but a lot easier than the previous section, brake a bit after the 100m board and on T12 put both left tires on the inside kerb during the corner.

T13 is a lot faster than it seems so be sure you get a nice exit for the main straight.


The braking in this car may be tricky, you should avoid braking at 100% (only place to do it is the hairpin), the sweet spot is around 90%. And then the car is very trailbraking-dependent, so be sure you are smooth and patient with the braking when you are moving the steering wheel.

For any feedback you can comment below or DM me. My Discord is facundorago.

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Circuit Zandvoort - Grand PrixCircuit Zandvoort - Grand Prix

  • 18 °C
  • 26 °C
  • Replay File
  • Optimal Delta File
  • Best Delta File
  • Qualifying1:39.377


Circuit Zandvoort - Grand PrixCircuit Zandvoort - Grand Prix

  • 18 °C
  • 26 °C
  • Replay File
  • Optimal Delta File
  • Best Delta File
  • Race1:39.699

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